Bryan SchoolELA/SS (Mar 22 - May 10)
Wednesdays 8:40-9:20am MULTIPLICATION MadnessFractured Fairy TalesHow can you modify a fairy tale to add humor?
WALT: write creatively using the features of a fairy tale Math/Sci (Oct 19 - Dec 12)
Wednesdays 8:40-9:20am Pet FinancesWhat does it take to own a pet?
WALT: understand the financial responsibility of pet care :understand the needs of a pet |
Merritt SchoolMath/Sci (Jan 3 - Feb 27)
Tuesdays 9:10-9:40am Pet FinancesWhat does it take to own a pet?
WALT: understand the financial responsibility of pet care :understand the needs of a pet ELA/SS (Oct 11 - Dec 5)
Tuesdays 10:10-10:40am Fractured Fairy TalesHow can you modify a fairy tale to add humor?
WALT: write creatively using the features of a fairy tale |